Portada / Está Pasando / El paro en la UE (últimos datos: septiembre 2011)
La tasa de paro es del 10.2% en la Zona Euro; en EU27 del 9.7%; el 9.1% en USA y del 22,6% en España.

El paro en la UE (últimos datos: septiembre 2011)


(Nota de prensa de Eurostat)

The euro area (EA17) seasonally-adjusted2 unemployment rate3 was 10.2% in September 2011, compared with 10.1% in August4. It was 10.1% in September 2010. The EU27 unemployment rate was 9.7% in September 2011, compared with 9.6% in August4. It was 9.6% in September 2010.

Eurostat estimates that 23.264 million men and women in the EU27, of whom 16.198 million were in the euro area, were unemployed in September 2011. Compared with August 2011, the number of persons unemployed increased by 174 000 in the EU27 and by 188 000 in the euro area. Compared with September 2010, unemployment rose by 215 000 in the EU27 and by 329 000 in the euro area.

Among the Member States, the lowest unemployment rates were recorded in Austria (3.9%), the Netherlands (4.5%) and Luxembourg (4.8%), and the highest in Spain (22.6%), Greece (17.6% in July) and Latvia (16.1% in the second quarter of 2011).

Compared with a year ago, the unemployment rate fell in fourteen Member States and increased in thirteen. The largest falls were observed in Estonia (17.9% to 12.8% between the second quarters of 2010 and 2011), Latvia (19.4% to 16.1% between the second quarters of 2010 and 2011) and Lithuania (18.2% to 15.5% between the second quarters of 2010 and 2011). The highest increases were registered in Greece (12.6% to 17.6% between July 2010 and July 2011), Spain (20.5% to 22.6%) and Cyprus (6.0% to 7.8%).

Between September 2010 and September 2011, the unemployment rate for males remained stable at 9.9% in the euro area and fell from 9.6% to 9.5% in the EU27. The female unemployment rate increased from 10.4% to 10.6% in the euro area and from 9.7% to 9.9% in the EU27.

In September 2011, 5.308 million young persons (under-25s) were unemployed in the EU27, of whom 3.290 million were in the euro area. Compared with September 2010, youth unemployment increased by 41 000 in the EU27 and by 71 000 in the euro area. In September 2011, the youth unemployment rate was 21.4% in the EU27 and 21.2% in the euro area. In September 2010 it was 20.9% and 20.8% respectively. The lowest rates were observed in Austria (7.1%) and the Netherlands (8.0%), and the highest in Spain (48.0%) and Greece (43.5% in July).

In September 2011, the unemployment rate was 9.1% in the USA. In August 2011, it was 4.3% in Japan.

Un comentario


    Sí, mejor que pongan estos análisis directamente en inglés -aunque mejor en chino o ruso- pa k la peña en Andalucía no se cosque de su situación y siga creyendo que engaña a alguien posando de hidalgo pobre aparentando postín, con aires de merecer (los que todavía salen de casa) o enflaquecidos no por la miseria sino porque nos hemos puesto a plan.

    Si comparamos las estadísticas con más nitidez, nos daremos cuenta que la tasa de desempleo del E. (de deshecho) expañol se halla al nivel de Mozambique o Gabón y la de nuestra colonizada, expoliada, Andalucía en su mayoría se encuentra a niveles de paro más vergonzosos que Mauritania y Malí, que como todo el mundo sabe cuentan con una ubicación estratégica, grandes espacios cultivables, una climatología favorable, autopistas y ferrocarriles. En el caso especial de Almería la trágica situación ha dejado atrás los datos de Afganistán y Yemén, por lo k no sabemos si la vista aérea de los invernaderos son plásticos o búnkeres.

    Ah, y quien después de ver esto siga votando a los clerical$ociata$ no les diré «idiotas» como su mamporrero desafecto de tantos años Valderas, el cual ha prometido k los votos hacia su formación irán hacia su señorito Griñán y sus beneficiados; no, no vamos a llamarles «idiotas» por no haber atendido a la principal prioridad de un ciudadano, un empleo para poder comer, pagar una casa y formar una familia; no, no vamos a llamarles «idiotas» porque el mejor calificativo k les cuadra es el de… CRIMINALES.

    Juzgad ustedes mismos, antes de partir hacia el combate para arrojarlos de una vez al mar (no al Cantábrico, al Báltico):




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